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Hino, the leading truck, and bus manufacturer in Japan, is making use of a strategy with three goals to realise the company’s commitment to its new slogan, “Trucks and buses that do more.”

Hino, the leading truck, and bus manufacturer in Japan, is making use of a strategy with three goals to realise the company’s commitment to its new slogan, “Trucks and buses that do more.”

“Trucks and buses that do more” incorporates Hino’s desire to produce vehicles that have an even greater presence in the working world than before, according to Yoshio Shimo, the Hino President and CEO, speaking at the launch of Hino’s 2018 Sustainability Report.

“Trucks and buses are specialised vehicles that can be thought of as ‘tools’ for the transport of goods and people,” said Shimo. “In particular there are still many people in emerging and developing countries who do not own their own vehicle, which further highlights the importance of trucks and buses in their environment.

“Trucks and buses help to solve social challenges and in so doing contribute to the development of society as a whole. We see our efforts in this direction as leading to Hino being loved the world over,” added the Hino President.

Hino’s three goals are:

  • Best-fit products incorporating safety and environmental technologies.
  • Total Support customised for each vehicle.
  • New activity areas.

Safety and the environment are the two areas in which truck and bus manufacturers must implement measures to improve the situation, because there are still many people with long-held bad impressions of the safety and environmental performance of trucks and buses.

“Our aim is to dispel this negative image by engaging in ongoing measures to enhance our safety and environmental technologies,” explained Shimo. “We are aiming for zero truck and bus accident casualties with enhanced safety features. In terms of the environment we are actively introducing vehicle electrification, including the development of diesel-electric hybrid models as a means of reducing CO2 emissions.”

Next, Hino says it sees its goal of Total Support customised for each vehicle as recognising the company’s recognition of the importance of providing optimised support for each and every one of the 1.75-million Hino trucks and buses on the world’s roads.

“We must ensure that Hino vehicles are always ‘road ready’ and so we are advancing our efforts to further improve after-sales service, which includes the expansion of service centres and increasing the number of servicing lanes at dealerships where necessary,” said Shimo.

“Our third goal – New Activity Areas – is driven by the differing product and support needs in each region and country in terms of the state of roads, the type of tasks being performed and the state of the supporting logistics and distribution infrastructure.

“We then seek to provide customised services that meet the needs of our customers through creative engagement in meeting the challenges anticipated in the future for logistics and transport in general. In so doing we intend to also solve social challenges around the world, thereby making trucks and buses an even more beneficial presence in society,” explained the Hino President.

“We have already taken the first step on the road to realising ‘new logistics’ by establishing NEXT Logistics Japan Ltd. as a wholly owned subsidiary of Hino Motors Ltd. in June 2018. As a manufacturer of commercial vehicles, we believe that in addition to providing optimised products and services we should also take up the challenge of resolving the logistical and transport issues that our customers will face in the future. When one takes a long-term perspective that looks ahead 20-30 years, we realise there are many challenges we need to overcome and we want to be able to meet them,” concluded the Hino President.


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