

iconDecember 2, 2020
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Hino South Africa and its nationwide dealer network have once again been recognised with international awards for excellence in parts and technical service levels from Hino Motors Japan. 

Hino South Africa and its nationwide dealer network have once again been recognised with international awards for excellence in parts and technical service levels from Hino Motors Japan. The accolades are for taking first places in the parts and service categories in the Middle East and Africa region, but in the bigger picture Hino SA competes against all the other Hino distributors in the world.

The main objective of this long-running programme is to recognise top-performing distributors with standards at the same level as if they were operating in the Japanese domestic market. Each year the recognition programme goes through a Kaizen (continuous improvement) process to ensure the contest remains relevant and beneficial in terms of improving the dealer and customer experience with the Hino brand.

The various Distributor of the Year programmes are driven by two main cogs in the Hino Total Support strategy, which targets 100% up time and a reduction in the cost of operation and cost of ownership for Hino customers. The two cogs are Fix-It -Right-First-Time and supplying the right parts when required.

In terms of service this means ensuring the most economical cost of repair and the highest level of customer satisfaction, while for the parts division it means maintaining a high level of availability of parts at competitive prices.

“Top achievers in these programmes, which back up Hino Total Support globally, are rewarded internationally by Hino Japan. This year Hino SA was rewarded with gold status for both parts and service in its region, while our customers have rated Hino South Africa as No. 1 in the latest Data Track Competitive Customer Experience study conducted quarterly by Scott Byers in South Africa,” explained Pieter Klerck, the General Manager of Toyota South Africa.


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