

iconDecember 2, 2015
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Hino remained the overall leader among truck brands in the third quarter Scott Byers Comparative Customer Satisfaction Monitor, which is the result of a quarterly survey conducted among thousands of South African truck operators on the Scott Byers database.

Hino remained the overall leader among truck brands in the third quarter Scott Byers Comparative Customer Satisfaction Monitor, which is the result of a quarterly survey conducted among thousands of South African truck operators on the Scott Byers database. Hino rated 97.58, with the runner-up scoring 95.84 and third-placed rated at 95.70.

The overall figure is derived from each truck brand’s performance in three categories: sales, service and parts. Hino came out top in service and parts and was second in sales.

Hino moved up to first place in service from being runner-up in the second quarter of 2015 with a score of 96.86. The national average in the category was 91.44, which was slightly up from 91.37 in the second quarter of 2015.

Hino retained top spot in the parts category (four consecutive quarters) with 97.88, which gave it a clear lead over the runner-up on 95.30. National average in this category for the third quarter was 90.06, compared to 89.97 in the second quarter.

Hino retained the number 2 position in the sales category but, the gap between first and second has shrunk.

“We are very proud of our ongoing strong performance in the Scott Byers Comparative Customer Satisfaction Monitor,” said Ernie Trautmann, the Vice President of Hino SA. “Hino Total Support is the driving strategy in our operations these days and it is wonderful seeing the results in terms of looking after our customers, which is most important in the truck market, particularly here in South Africa where there are so many competitors. Our aim now is for Hino to be top overall in all three category rankings.”


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